Right-to-die man Tony Nicklinson died at home with his loving family around him. Tony Nicklinson is a 58 year old; paralyzed from the neck down after suffering a massive stroke 7 years ago. Last week he lost his in court case for the right that the doctors could medically end his life. The family solicitor Saimo Chahal said "Jane told me that Tony went rapidly downhill over last weekend, having contracted pneumonia." A man that has no life and no perpuse in life, is denies the right to be dead. He has lived in this way for 7 years, his friends and family watch him suffer the sadness and his pittyfull stature, shows that him dying in a peaceful, tranquil state, would be better than having to refuse food just so he can get the way of life he so despratly needs. So, Does he have the right to die?


    Music and Art are my life. Clean and simple, if i didn't have them I don't know where I would be. Receving the NROTC scholarship and attending GSU or VSU then joining the United States  Navy. After the five years of service I'll decide to stay or go, and become a doctor. I have very strong passions for controversial topics. I love debate and I love to learn new opinions. Falling in and out of love, and watching things through out my life has made me more aware, and passionate about others and whats going on in their lives, it also allows me to open my mind and let things out. At the young age of 16 I have started to write a book Confessions of A White Lesbian. As I'm only so old, it will take a great amount of time to complete.


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